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As winter descends upon New Jersey and temperatures drop, it’s time for pool owners to shift their focus to winter pool care. Closing your pool properly during the colder months is crucial to ensure that it emerges from winter’s grasp in pristine condition. Below, we’ll explore essential tips and guidelines for maintaining your closed pool in NJ, safeguarding your investment against the challenges of the winter season.


1. Balance and Treat the Water:

Before bidding farewell to your pool for the winter, it’s crucial to balance and treat the water. Start by adjusting the pH levels to the recommended range, ensuring that the water is neither too acidic nor too alkaline. Next, shock the pool with a winterizing chemical to eliminate any lingering bacteria or algae. This proactive step helps prevent the growth of contaminants over the winter months, setting the stage for a smoother pool reopening come spring.

2. Thoroughly Clean Your Pool:

A comprehensive cleaning routine is essential before closing your pool. Skim the water surface to remove leaves and debris, vacuum the pool floor, and brush the pool walls to prevent algae and stain formation. A meticulously cleaned pool minimizes the risk of winter damage and makes the entire reopening process more straightforward.

3. Lower the Water Level:

In regions with freezing temperatures, lowering the water level is a crucial step in winter pool care. The water should be brought down below the skimmer and return lines to prevent damage caused by freezing and thawing. Consult your pool manufacturer’s guidelines to determine the appropriate water level adjustment for your specific pool type.

4. Protect Your Pool Plumbing:

The freezing temperatures of a Tenafly winter pose a threat to your pool’s plumbing system. To prevent pipes from bursting, drain all water from the circulation lines, pumps, and heaters. Using a shop vacuum ensures that every last drop is removed, and consider using compressed air to blow out the lines for an added layer of protection. Don’t forget to plug the skimmer and return lines to prevent water from entering during the winter months.

5. Winterize Your Pool Equipment:

Properly winterizing your pool equipment is crucial for its longevity. Remove and store items such as ladders, rails, and diving boards in a dry place. Thoroughly clean and dry the pump, filter, and heater before securely covering them. Disconnect and store hoses and any other accessories to protect them from the elements.

6. Securely Cover Your Pool:

Investing in a high-quality winter pool cover is one of the most effective measures you can take to protect your pool during the colder months. Choose a cover specifically designed for winter use, as it will provide insulation and prevent debris from entering the water. Ensure the cover is securely fastened to prevent it from being blown away by strong winter winds.

7. Regularly Remove Debris from the Cover:

Despite a secure pool cover, debris can accumulate over the winter months. Use a pool cover pump to eliminate excess water, and employ a leaf net or pool brush to clear off leaves, snow, and any other debris. A clean cover not only protects your pool but also simplifies the reopening process when spring arrives.

8. Periodic Pool Checks:

While your pool hibernates for the winter, it’s essential to periodically check its condition. Inspect the pool cover for any tears or damage and address them promptly. Check the water level, adding water if needed to maintain the recommended level. Regular checks during the winter can help you identify and address potential issues before they escalate.

9. Consider Pool Antifreeze:

In colder climates like Tenafly, where temperatures can plummet below freezing, using pool antifreeze adds an extra layer of protection. Pouring a small amount of pool antifreeze into the skimmer and return lines helps prevent freeze damage, providing peace of mind during the winter months.

10. Consult with a Professional:

If you’re uncertain about any aspect of winterizing your pool or encounter challenges during the process, don’t hesitate to consult with a professional pool service. They possess the expertise to address specific challenges in your region and can provide tailored advice to keep your pool in top condition throughout the winter.


Winter pool care in New Jersey is a critical component of preserving the longevity and beauty of your investment. By following these essential tips, you can ensure that your pool weathers the winter months with grace, ready to welcome you back for a refreshing swim when spring arrives. Remember, dedicating time and effort to proper winter maintenance now pays off in the long run, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable pool experience in the warmer months ahead.

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